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Our yoga classes are officially certified, which means you can enjoy even more benefits. Another step to support you on your yoga journey in the best possible way.


Guidelines for the Proper Use of the Participation Confirmation Form for Course Providers  


Step 1

Check the appropriate certification category.


Step 2

Select the relevant type of agreement and provide the required details regarding the duration (subscription duration / number of sessions). Fill in the necessary information on participation costs.


Step 3

Make the required number of copies of the participation confirmation and distribute them to participants who wish to request reimbursement from their health insurance providers based on their insurance status.


Step 4  

Participants must complete the form section with their health insurance and personal details (insurance number / first and last name / address / postal code / city).  


Step 5

As the course provider, confirm the accuracy of the certification category and agreement type by signing and dating the form. Also, verify the participant’s attendance.


Step 6  

The participant can now submit the participation confirmation along with proof of payment to their health insurance provider to request reimbursement.

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